Commander 2014 Forged in Stone фото цена описание

Commander 2014 Forged in Stone

Описание: COMMANDER: Nahiri, the LithomancerСущество (21)1 Containment Priest1 Whitemane Lion1 Grand Abolisher1 Kor Sanctifiers1 Mentor of the Meek1 Flickerwisp1 Hallowed Spiritkeeper1 Kemba, Kha Regent1 Silverblade Paladin1 Skyhunter Skirmisher1 Angelic Field Marshal1 Celestial Crusader1 Jazal Goldmane1 Geist-Honored Monk1 Requiem Angel1 Adarkar Valkyrie1 Sun Titan1 Sunblast Angel1 Twilight Shepherd1 Angel of the Dire Hour1 Serra AvatarВолшебство (7)1 Gift of Estates1 Spectral Procession1 Fell the Mighty1 Nomads' Assembly1 Deploy to the Front1 Martial Coup1 Decree of JusticeМгновенное заклинание (10)1 Brave the Elements1 Condemn1 Afterlife1 Midnight Полностью...

Бренд: Magic:The Gathering
Издание: Commander 2014 Edition Commander 2014 Edition
Язык: английский
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