Secret Lair Prime Slime фото цена описание

Secret Lair Prime Slime

Описание: Sick of being early-game enemies or confined to cubes, these slimes are breaking the mold. Though you can see right through them, Wizard of Barge knows that their jiggly jelly bodies contain multitudes. Allow him to take you on an ooze cruise through FIVE different cards that explore the true nature of slimes. Just, like, bring a towel or wet naps or something.

1x Borderless Alt-Art Acidic Slime
1x Borderless Alt-Art The Mimeoplasm
1x Borderless Alt-Art Necrotic Ooze
1x Borderless Alt-Art Scavenging Ooze
1x Borderless Alt-Art Voidslime

В коробке так же содержится карта промо плейнсволкера с витражным артом из Войны Искры.

Бренд: Magic:The Gathering
Издание: Secret Lair Secret Lair
Язык: английский
Старт продаж: 30.11.2020
Продавец Отзывы/Рейтинг цена Кол-во
413 / 100 %
9500 руб